Monday, 11 November 2013


Are you like me and find that sometimes the hassle of removing your make-up is just that little bit tedious? Wish there was an all-in-one long-lasting product that did the job just as effectively? Well look no further.
 Cor has created the ultimate in cleansing, toning and moisturising and it’s all packed into one sweet and citrusy soap, as part of their silver series of skin products. A 120g bar retails at £100you might find to be a bit of a princely fee at first glance but it lasts forever (well 9 months to be precise) which is…super! A real investment. You may want to start off with the 10g for£15.00 to see results, so don’t get thrown off by price.
The silver soap product aims to remove all make-up and target any skin issues – so evening out your skin tone, ridding your skin of unwanted sunspots and blemishes. From using this product each day for 5 days I can already see the difference. After lathering the soap onto my skin and then rinsing with warm water my skins touch was soft and silky and looked bright and blemish-free. I’m usually a bit reluctant to use soap on my face, as previously it’s caused my skin to feel dry and irritated – but I have to say I was truly impressed with this product as it did none of this.
I would definitely recommend this product to those of you who are looking for something simple and quick, meanwhile giving your skin an ultra deep clean.
It nourishes your skins, reduces the signs of ageing and had anti-bacterial healing properties.  What more could you want, not to mention need.  You can purchase yours in store in travel or large sizes. The Harrods Pharmacy is located on the store’s lower ground floor, by door ten.”
Cor Silver Soap: Sophisticated Simplicity 
Otherwise visit the online UK Store at
By Olivia Todd